Cas-co Open Studio’s 2022

  • Medium: poster & folder
  • Dimensions: poster: A2 / folder: 210 x 100 mm
  • Year: 2022
  • Client: Cas-co
  • In collaboration with: Mathieu Serruys

Poster and folder announc­ing Cas-co’s yearly Open Studio’s’ event, dur­ing which the artists wel­come the broader pub­lic in their stu­dios. Cas-co is a Belgian orga­ni­za­tion that facil­i­tates, leases and coör­di­nates stu­dio spaces for visual artists. The typog­ra­phy is a play with the two O’s’ in the title, refer­ring to the essence of Cas-co’s mis­sion which is char­ac­ter­ized by two kinds of open­ness’: the space/​studio that waits to be filled in by an artist, and the space/​organization that opens up to the broad public.

Open studios 22 jente waerzeggers web res 1 Open studios 2 Open studios 3 Open studios 1